
Hansel Tai

Hansel Tai

Hansel Tai’s work focuses on queer culture in the Post-internet Epoch, in which the natural is shadowed by the body cult, deformation, subcultural signs and high gloss metal, and hyperstition is materialised into fetish objects.

His pierced jade and glitched-out chromey adornments encourage our mutation into cyborgs, bringing with them confusion, domination, information, euphoria, dystopia and nightmare all at once. They are multi-level skeuomorphs: real objects imitating digital ‘objects’ imitating real objects. They are something to grab onto as we are whipped about an ever-changing digital landscape.

Hansel is the winner of the MISUI Award 2019 in Barcelona, Spain, the winner of the Gallery Alice Floriano Award at Budapest Jewelry Week 2023, and the honoree of the One for the Future Award (2023-2024) at NYC Jewelry Week. His works are in the permanent collections of Museum Arnhem, NL and CODA Museum, NL.

Hansel is having two solo exhibitions this year, at HOP Gallery in Tallinn, Estonia, and Gallery Alice Floriano in Porto Alegre, Brazil, respectively.
